Parent Survey



Each year, the Georgia Department of Education seeks feedback from parents, faculty/staff, and students. All survey results are anonymous and are used to provide a School Climate Star Rating.  

Student and faculty/staff surveys will take place  October 21st through November 22nd.  Student surveys, known as the Georgia Student Health Survey,  take place in grades 3-12.  More details will come from your child's school.  

The Georgia Parent Survey was developed to measure parent perceptions of school climate. Your opinion is very important to us. Your survey responses are confidential and will be combined with the survey responses of other parents at your child’s school to identify areas in need of improvement. The survey consists of 24 questions and should only take five to ten minutes to complete.  

The survey is available in English and Spanish and can be accessed at the link below.  In addition, the link will remain open until March 2, 2020.  You can continue to access the link from each school's website.   The survey may be completed using a personal computer, smartphone, or tablet. 


Thank you for your time and participation. 


Georgia Parent Survey: